Parent Participation Program
The main goals of this program are the inclusive connections for families and support for the mission of the center. The talent, time and treasures volunteered help create the best in quality care and education while striving for affordability. The classrooms will ask for assistance as needed for projects, field trip escorts, talent sharing, and minor repair of equipment.
Three parents regularly volunteer as parent representatives on the Center Advisory Board. The advisory board reviews policies, procedures, financial budgets and income/expenses ensuring the center success.
The center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit private school and it is eligible for donations through workplace charities (with matching funds), United Way giving and personal direct giving. This is currently the most popular choice in providing funds for the tuition assistance program.
The center has participated in garage sales, pancake events, picture day, center cookbooks sales and silent auctions in past years.
The center started a SCRIP Card Program in December 2009 which provides gift cards (bought at discount) to parents through the administrative office.
New ideas are welcome anytime!
Personal donations have also been important in providing appropriate equipment for the classrooms.
Download the Give+ App and give with your Smartphone and/or Tablet
Once you download the App you will have to go through a one time process to enter our zip code, 97333, and select First Presbyterian Church.
The Challenge Offering. Every month we support a different cause. Since this changes each month please designate under “notes” which challenge recipient you want to give to. A blank notes field for Challenge Fund gifts will go the fund supported the month that the gift is made. Read who we support here.
Give Online Through The Presbyterian Foundation
This enables us to provide you with a secure method of online giving. Once you click on the Give now button you will be taken to a secure site where you can give using checking, debit/credit card credit account. You can also set up a recurring gift, as well. Please keep in mind that the receipt you receive will also be reflected in your statements.
– OR –
Download the EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) Authorization Form.
This is a paper form that allows for recurring withdraws from your account. It must be filled out and returned to our Treasurer.